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First Time Applying For Singapore Citizenship?

Did You Know That, Out Of 60,000 Applications Yearly, Only 35% Of Applicants Get Approved?

Learn how you can effectively
maximize your chances With TIP Today

Maximize your chances, save time and years of costly application
mistakes, by working with an experienced professional

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First Time Self Applicant vs The Immigration People

We’ve Highlighted Some Common Roadblocks That Self-Applying Applicants Face

We breakdown the difference for you.

First Time
Self Applicant

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Do It Yourself

Upon deciding to pursue Singapore citizenship, you might find yourself overwhelmed with information, making it challenging to determine if you're on the right path to success.

The ICA evaluates each application on a case-by-case basis, adding an additional layer of complexity.

✔ Expertise And Experience

The TIP Team, with an in-depth understanding of Singapore Citizenship policies, regulations, and procedures, excels in efficiently managing diverse cases and navigating complex immigration scenarios.

Missing Documents and Time Spent Searching For Right Information

Once you've made a decision to pursue your Singapore citizenship and searching online for guidance, the challenge lies in the potential misinformation.

You may end up missing out on important documents needed for submission, getting stuck in the process, spending time researching how to apply independently instead of making progress with your application.

✔ Minimized Errors and Delays:

The process of applying for Singapore Citizenship typically entails dealing with extensive paperwork and meeting specific requirements.

TIP is thoroughly acquainted with the intricacies of the details and the overall process, minimizing the chances of errors that may result in application rejections or delays.

This not only saves valuable time but also helps in avoiding unnecessary complications, especially considering that the application process typically spans an average of 12-24 months with the Immigration authorities.

Tedious And Lengthy Process

As you review the necessary documents to acquire and submission, you find yourself unprepared for the commencement of the application process.

For instance, Singapore's Citizenship application form is not downloadable and the form has to be filled in live on ICA's portal.

If you are unable to complete the application form within 7 calendar days, you will have to restart the form filling process, and it can take up to 6 hours!

✔ Efficiency And Time Saving

TIP streamlines the application process, ensuring that all required documents are submitted correctly and promptly.

This efficiency can result in faster processing times and a smoother overall experience.

1 Out Of 60,000 Applicants

Assuming you complete and submit your application promptly, and with an approval likelihood of only 1 in every 3 application, the quality of your application becomes crucial in standing out from the rest.

✔ Double Your Chances Of Approval

With over 45 years of accumulated experience and expertise, we frequently achieve higher success rates in obtaining approvals for Singapore citizenship applicants like yourself.

Our knowledge of the system and attention to detail makes a significant difference in the outcome of your application.

✔ Strategic Planning
And Customised Solutions

At TIP, our immigration consultants craft a customized strategic plan based on your goals and individual circumstances.

We can outline the optimal course of action and assist you in making informed decisions to ensure the best possible outcome for your Citizenship application.

✔ Tailored Advice And Guidance

TIP offers individualized guidance tailored to your specific circumstances.

We can evaluate your eligibility, suggest the most fitting visa options, and lead you through the entire application process, ensuring compliance with all requirements.

✔ Peace Of Mind

The intricate process of applying for Citizenship can be overwhelming.

Engaging a reputable firm like TIP enables you to place your application in the hands of experts, offering reassurance and allowing you to concentrate on other facets of your life or plans.

✔ Updates On Policy Changes

Singapore citizenship policies and the immigration landscape undergo regular changes. TIP remains updated on these developments and can offer precise information regarding evolving immigration regulations, guaranteeing that your application aligns with the latest requirements.

We Are There Though Your Whole Journey

We Guide You Through A Strategic Approach To Ensure The Highest Chance of Getting Your Application Approved

Being eligible might not be enough. To increase and double your chances of Singapore Citizenship approval, you need to take a more strategic approach. One that can also save two of the most important things - your time and money.

TIP offers professional Singapore Citizenship Application Services in Full Compliance With Singapore’s Government Standards.

Why Work With Us

Here's Why Thousands Of First-Time Applicants Choose The Immigration People To Be Their Trusted Partner

The Immigration People team

45+ Years of
Collective Experience

Our team has over three decades of experience in immigration policies and procedures, making us experts in maximizing your fullest potential.

customer service excellence

Proven 4-Step Application Process

We’ve developed a successful blueprint with track record for Singapore Citizenship Applicants.

Founders and managing directors of The Immigration People, Elena Kwa and Kay Cheong

We’ve experienced exactly what you’re going through

Our co-founder, Kay, herself had successfully gone through her Singapore citizenship journey with the TIP team!

Our satisfaction guarantee

satisfaction guaranteed

100% Transparency, Guaranteed Error-Free Application

thorough evaluation and analysis

Documentation Review In Accordance With ICA Standards

tailored action plan

Customized Action Plan For Your Profile Needs

step by step guide

Committed Team To Walk You Through Your Citizenship Journey

personalised testimonials

Application Is Presented In The Best Foot Forward For ICA


100% Guaranteed Error-Free Application

Thorough Evaluation & Analysis

Tailored Action Plan

Step-by-Step Guide

Personalised Testimonials

Book An Appointment

Tell us your case, let us review your eligibility, and help you maximize your chances of approval

Be well-prepared and well-informed in making your application for Singapore Citizenship. Save years of costly delays from a rejected application. Fill out the form below to get one of our professionals to support you.

Have More Questions?

FAQ For applying For Singapore citizenship

What advantages comes with engaging TIP over doing it myself?

Least Effort, Maximum Results.

In building your case, strategizing is crucial, and that's where we excel.

The government evaluates more than ten different aspects of your profile (E.g. Economic contribution, salary, industry and professional achievement, social integration, endorsements from citizens, family ties (existing Citizen/PR), financial and property investments) , making the application process more challenging than it appears.

It's easy to make mistakes when so many documents need notarization and high-quality standards. A simple mistake would set you back for a re-application 6 to 12 months later due to the lengthy preparation and processing time, effectively delaying your chances of gaining a citizenship by 2 years or more.

In additional, given the low 20% approval rate, how are you going to stand out from the crowd?

That's why having immigration consultants like The Immigration People to guide your Singapore Citizenship application journey is helpful. We have the expertise to prepare relevant and excellent supporting documentation, saving you time, costs and predictably years of waiting in frustration.

Our strategic and personalised solutions ensure that your profile and your families are properly angled to showcase your fullest potential to the reviewing authorities.

Furthermore, considering the mere 35% approval rate, you’ll need a profile that stands out from all the applications sent.

How Long Will Your Consultancy Firm Take To Build My Profile?

Constructing a proper profile is a time-consuming process. And this is where we are here to help speed up this process. Due to the unique nature of each profile, certain cases may require an extended duration. However, in our experience, it typically requires a minimum of four months.

Is There A Guarantee Of Results?

Our mission is to optimize your profile before submitting it to the government. This involves ensuring that your application and qualifications cover all aspects scrutinized by the Government. However it’s essential to note that the final screening phase conducted by ICA, holds the ultimate decision. Factors such as quota are beyond our control.

What Makes The Immigration People Different Than Other Firms?

The Immigration People is all about transparency and sharing of knowledge.

We're the only immigration firm in Singapore to constantly share actual client testimonials on YouTube. Our YouTube channel contains insightful tips and a guide to Singapore immigration knowledge for everyone to have access to.

We are also one of the few immigration agencies that are transparent with pricing. You can find them on our website!

See all our 195+ 5-star Google Reviews, where you can learn a little more about our clients' journey with us.

We Noticed Other Firms Based Their Quotes According To Our Salaries, Do You Also Charge Like Them?

We don't. We only charge for the amount to be done and never base it on your paycheck. Our prices are also publicly stated on our website.

Every client is handled meticulously for at least a year with an Immigration Associate and Immigration Consultant throughout the entire service period.

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